10 Tips to Give Best Name for A Dog, Males and Females

Best name for a dog - Once you have brought back a dog, you surely want to give it the best dog name, right? One of best dog names in the world for your lovely dog. Why? Well, it’s related to the fact that you usually want to befriend with your dog. And you want the dog to be loyal to you.

best name for a dog

How can you expect that if you don’t know what to call your dog? That is why you should find a best name for a dog. Not to mention, giving name to your dog will also make it easier for you to feel closer and let the dog become more adaptive to the new condition around it.

10 Tips to Give The Best Name for A Dog

It will also be easier for the other people to recognize your dog later on. But, what kind of name should you give to your dog? Below, you are going to learn about the tips in giving the best name for a dog.

1. Meaning Behind the Name

Yes, indeed, all people want to find the best boy dog names for their lovely dogs. But it may not be as easy as possible. You want to make sure that the name is suitable for you and your dog. And you must also realize that the name should have meaning. You should not give the best name for a dog male or female without any meaning behind it.

Meaning will give some kind of more value to the name itself. For instance, you name your dog pretty because your dog is really pretty or you want it to have pretty appeal and characteristic. By giving some meaning to your dog’s name, it will be even more intimate for you and the dog later on.

2. Pay Attention to the Sex

This is really important. You really need to make it certain about the sex of your dog first. If you have female dog, you should get the best female dog names. In vice versa, if you have male one, surely you will need to get the best male dog names.

Isn’t it silly if you give female name to your male dog? It will only make your dog be made fun of later on. It’s also disrespecting your dog in which you should not do that. Remember that your dog is your buddy. Therefore, you should give appropriate and the best name for a dog female or male.

3. Match the Name with Its Characteristic

Yes, one of the easiest and greatest things to do when it comes to the best dog name is to match the name with the characteristic of the dog. For instance, if your dog is from certain breed, you may want to derive the name of the breed into your dog’s name.

That’s how you’re going to give good dog names. Or if it’s quite hard for you, you can just simply pay attention to the characteristics which are easier to see like the color of the fur. You can just simply call it black, brown, or another best name for a dog by colors.

4. Simple Is Good

Choosing cool dog names can be done by making it simple. For example, you can simply get name with one or just two syllables. It will be easier for you to call your dog later on. Your dog will also find it easy to memorize it and surely, it will also be more convenient for the people around you who want to call your dog.

Your dog will also find it easy to memorize it and surely, it will also be more convenient for the people around you who want to call your dog.

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Calling your dog with long name will take longer time for you to attract the attention of the dog. And yes, it will be harder for the dog to memorize it which means that it may not be that simple for you to train your dog.

5. Pay Attention to the Sound

Not all people know about this matter but it is really true. It’s been proven that some sounds are a lot much more “hearable” for the dogs so you should include those sounds as the parts of best name for a dog ever. Those sounds are “s”, “k”, and “c”. You are recommended to use those sounds in the beginning of your dog’s names.

It will attract more attention to your dog and it will also make it easier for the dog to answer your call especially in such noisy environment. Yes, dog has nice hearing and also sight but those sounds will be more attractive to the dogs and it’s been proven.

6. The Use of the Right End Sound

Similar to the previous explanation, ending your dog’s name with the right sound will also give greater impact to you and to your dog. It’s highly recommended for you to use vowels to end your dog’s name.

It will help your dog to recognize the name whenever there’s another sound is present whenever you are calling out for its name. Combine tips number 5 and 6 and you will definitely get the best name for a dog ever.

7. Be Considerate

In addition to the sex which will be so determinant in choosing the best girl dog names or the best name for a dog boy, you should also be considerate even further about the name.

Make sure the name doesn’t sound too commanding which will not be good especially if you tend to train your dog. The dog may find it quite confusing to decide whether you are actually giving commands during training or calling for its name.

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Also make sure you use the right intonation to make it certain for the dog to recognize whether it’s being trained or just simply being called.

8. Avoid Using Too-common Names

It’s quite important for you to use unique dog names. Why? What's the best name for a dog unique? The name you give to yours is actually the representation of your love to your buddy. You don’t want it to be just common right? Let’s just say that you use really common name for your dog. For example, you use the word “Buddy”.

Imagine you take your dog to a walk in the park and then you decide to call your dog because you notice the dog is getting quite far away from you. Call the name “Buddy” and since it’s quite common name, you may find many dogs coming to you. Yes, those dogs may have the same name.

9. Consider the Future

Many people don’t really think about this. Even though you can really use any name you like but it’s a good idea to choose top best dog names by considering whether the names will still be good in the future or not.

Some of the names may not be that everlasting and they tend to be rather related to the trends. Once the trend is over, such name may not be interesting anymore.

10. Choosing Funny Names

Using funny dog names as best name for a dog is actually not a problem but you should make sure it will not embarrass you whenever you are calling out the name in public space.

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Let’s just say you give “Killer” as the name of your dog. Try calling it out in public and you may make the other people terrified by your dog. So, just follow the tips above and make your dog name as one of the top 10 best name for a dog in the world.

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